Alef Bet Montessori School

Our Story

The Foundation of Alef Bet Montessori School

The foundation of Alef Bet Montessori School can be traced back to 2004, when Ayelet Lichtash, who had recently moved from Tel Aviv to Maryland, first found out about Montessori through a friend. After falling in love with the Montessori method of education and sending her daughter to a Montessori school, Ayelet worked tirelessly with local community members to create something very unique; a Jewish Montessori school which combines a love for Judaism and Israel with certified AMI Montessori teaching. Families no longer have to choose between a Montessori school and a Jewish school. The Alef Bet team is endlessly excited to continue on this amazing journey of providing the best possible education to our community.

Timeline of Alef Bet

Montessori child working with a wooden shape sorter


The Alef Bet Montessori School was established and the first class opened with 8 students at the corner of Old Georgetown Road and Tilden Lane.

Montessori children singing


Each year a class was added, and by 2008, there were 3 classes formed: two Primary classes (ages 3, 4, and 5)  and one Toddler class (ages 18 months to 3). 


The first Elementary class at Alef Bet was opened for 1st, 2nd, 3rd grade. The first location was at Rock Creek Palisidase Park, Kensington, Maryland. The school was over 2 small campuses - Aish Hatorah and Rock Creek Paisidase Park.


The Elementary program has grown to include 1st to 6th grade students.  In addition, Alef Bet School moved from the Aish Hatorah building and the building in Rock Creek Palisidase Park in Kensington, MD to a Public School building on Grosvenor Lane,  in North Bethesda, Maryland.


Alef Bet School moved, yet again to another public school facility in Bethesda,  at Whittier Woods building for a temporary time. 


The School purchased its permanent home with help of generous donors and members of the community. With their help the building was gutted, redone, a new roof was added and finally opened for use in January of 2019. Alef Bet owns this home and plans to use it going forward.

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