Think about when you first learned how to ride a bike. Did you sit on the bike, held the wheel and tried several time while falling? OR did you sit and listen quietly while your parents explained the various elements of riding and tasked you with memorizing exactly what they said.
You balanced your way onto the seat, tried to pedal and control the handlebars, and most likely, fell. You tried again and again until you mastered riding, internalizing the knowledge and gaining control. We are active, not passive learners. We learn to how to bike by biking. At our school, your child will learn by doing.
At Alef Bet, it is crucial for our students to get the most out of Montessori principles. We employ the following elements to foster our Montessori method as well as our Jewish Life.
In a Montessori classroom, students are encouraged to embrace their natural curiosity and learn by touching, feeling and doing.
They are encouraged to move freely around the classroom and engage with thoughtfully selected learning materials. The learning materials are created to engage the students. By working with their hands, the students gain a concrete understanding of the material they are learning.
Practical life activities are a crucial part of the Montessori Curriculum. They help students develop order, coordination and independence, among other things. However, it is crucial to only give children age-appropriate chores to perform. These chores range from stacking books on a book shelf to vacuuming a rug.
Maria Montessori stressed the importance of having children, ranging at least 3 years apart, learning together.
This environment imitates a family of many cousins, chatting, loving, playing and allowing for older children to act as guides, or mentors, for the younger children.
This helps the students validates that they have truly mastered the material. On the other hand, the younger students look up to the older students, often times learning by modeling their behaviors.
Story time, dancing and music – is a wonderful gathering and group play. At the Alef Bet Montessori School we recognize the importance of working collaboratively.
Group activities allow for children to learn from each other. It also gives students the chance to acquire advanced social skills. We believe that peer interaction is an essential part of a complete education.
Children are curious. They want to learn. They come to our world wanted to learn each day. We provide a “discovery zone” for them to learn naturally.
The “absorbent mind” is a term that refers to the brain’s ability to take in information from the world. Young children are a prime example of the mind’s ability to absorb new information, much of which is done naturally, without taking notes.
Children eventually begin to consciously direct their focus on experiences of their choice, and develop further more what they have already learned.
Our job is to encourage children to embrace this natural curiosity and to provide them with the materials to explore.
Children in our class know that if a carpet is set on the floor it means: “this is my play area, please do not step on it.” They respect the class rules, and enjoy it at the same time.
We teach Grace and Courtesy that satisfies their sense of order. The lesson gives children the vocabulary, actions and steps required to build awareness and alertness to those around them and leads to a peaceful and respectful classroom environment. Furthermore, children will leave the class prepared to navigate friendships and collaborations with others that can benefit them throughout their lives.
Young children can sit for a short amount of time as they manipulate materials. We provide them with more specific play that helps them extend that short concentration from 5 minutes to 20 minutes and more.
A child who display a level of expanded concentration time, can then easily move on to more complicated play and work.
As adults, we cannot help ourselves. Out of love and care, we often intervene during a child’s task to ‘help’ and see what’s going on. This interference breaks concentration and robs the child of valuable learning experiences. Our classroom provides sufficient time to focus on a task, a quiet space free from interruption, and a period of reflection or consolidation.
As a result of the unique Montessori classroom style, our students are able to receive individual attention from their teachers. Regular one-on-one instruction allows teachers to track each child’s progress and direct them, ensuring that they reach their full potential.
A Montessori classroom, that enable independence! helping the child to help themselves.
In a class filled with Montessori learning materials, is the perfect environment for independent, self-guided study. Our learning materials allow students to learn on their own and progress at their own pace. This creates a sense of autonomy and self-assuredness in our students.
Elementary 8:15 - 3:00
Primary 8:15 - 3:00
Toddlers 8:30 - 2:45
Aftercare 3:00 - 5:00
Alef Bet Montessori School
Alef Bet Montessori School