Alef Bet Montessori School

Discover your child’s other happy place

A Jewish Montessori school for children ages 18 months to 12 years

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Why Alef Bet Montessori?

We Emphasize More than Just Academics

We focus on curiosity, independence, compassion, collaboration, and critical thinking.

...but the Academics are a Huge Strength

Our curriculum presents skills at the time when children are most ready to learn.

We're a Community

We view our relationship with you as a partnership, working together for the benefit of your child.

We Meet Children Where They Are

We allow each child to move and learn at their own pace. We know that learning is not linear, and that children are not ready to learn specific skills according to an adult-prepared timeline, or in perfect harmony with their peers. Kids who need more support with certain skills get that support, and those who are ready to move ahead are able to find the challenges they crave.

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The Montessori Difference

Discover the 5 biggest limitations with traditional education and how Montessori can unleash your child's independence, confidence, and love for learning.

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The Latest from Our Blog

08 May, 2024
Embracing the Wonders of Science: A Lesson in Patience In our elementary class, students recently delved into the captivating world of mixtures and the art of separating them, learning an invaluable lesson along the way – patience. Science isn't just about conducting experiments; it's about embracing the process, including the waiting game. As our young scientists mixed compounds and observed reactions, they discovered that sometimes, the most profound discoveries require time. Whether it was waiting for sediments to settle or observing the slow filtration process, they realized that science operates on its own timeline. Through this experience, they learned the importance of patience, a virtue that extends beyond the lab and into all aspects of life. So let's continue to nurture their curiosity, encouraging them to ask questions, explore, and embrace the patience that science demands, as they embark on their journey of scientific discover.
By Ellie Lichtash 17 Apr, 2024
Mazza Ball Soup for the 1st time at school... getting ready for Passover

If you think your child would thrive in a Montessori environment, give us a call or schedule a virtual tour online. We would love for you to visit our school and learn more.

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